About Us

At Opinion Wave, we understand the crucial role that accurate data plays in decision-making, problem-solving, and policy. To truly understand the world around us, we depend on data to make complex problems easier to tackle. Our unwavering dedication to maintaining and improving the highest standards of research drives us each and every day.

Our team consists of data scientists that have successfully conducted polls in every State in the union. We are constantly workshopping and researching ways to make more voices heard and to make their opinions known. We employ rigorous methodologies and utilize industry-best practices to ensure that each survey conducted by our engineers generates trustworthy data while protecting the privacy of our respondents.

Protecting respondent privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to safeguarding any personal information shared with us during the survey process. With strict data security measures in place, we ensure that your privacy remains intact – maintaining the anonymity of respondents and adhering to applicable data protection laws. Each respondent can have confidence their responses will remain confidential, never linked back to them to be shared or sold.